Montag, 5. Juli 2010

British Columbia Canada

We start our Worldtrip in Williams Lake (BC) by Thomas and Connie in July 2010.

Big city life for our VW


Skyline of Vancouver

Grill night in Callaghan Provincal Park

Tom Danger and Chrigu "the Gigou"

Our downhill bike "Rocky Mountain"

View in the gondola down to whistler


 Lambfish 2

Lambfish 1

Awesome Downhill Biking in Whistler...faster than Didier Cuche and higher and wider than Simon Ammann:-)

Spectacular sunset on the ferry back to Vancouver

With Longboards on Longbeach...

Awesome surfing in Tofino (Vancouver Island)

Big Zedar Tree on Vancouver Island

Skyline of Vancouver from the ferry to Vancouver Island

Boya Lake

Cheaty black bear eating grass (good for us:-))

Where is the bear?

Salmons in Salmon River

Salmon Glacier

Our VW between hugh motorhome

Update Thursday July 22, 2010: We have new breaks for our VW. But unfortunately we have our next damage on our VW. This time we are stucked in Smithers and our VW is again in the garage. What a great start on our tour:-( The good thing is there is much more to see and to do as in Prince George. Today we went on a 3 hrs mountain biking tour to the twin falls and almost we crossed our first bear in canada (Our tour is tracked in the link "where we are right now").

Awesome Volkswagon

Lambfish in the snow with the dog called Bandit!
Mt. Tulin (6 hrs Hiking-Trail)

View from Mt. Tulin to Chilko Lake

Horseback-Riding by Hausi like Cowboys
(On the left Roman with slowly Olli and on the right Christian with his new girlfriend Sheila)

Hausi, Anette and Ronja's Chilko River Lodge the place to be in Canada. Go west from Williams Lake to Tatla turn left and following the signs. Don't miss it! Bear watching, hiking, horsbackriding, boat-trips on Chilko River and Lake.

Home sweet home

Layback on Quesnel Lake

Quesnel Lake

Swiss-Roeteli for good Health

Grilled Fish --> Awesome!!!

50 cm....What a great catch, Thomas!!!

Fishing and.....

Kajaking (Quesnel Lake)

Our VW-Bus

Here we are

My first Rainbow trout this year

12 Steaks for 4 people

Thomas, Chrugu and me fishing on Keno Lake

Baby Bear

Stampede, Rodeo

Swiss Cowboys

Crash to pass

Crash to pass

Potato Gun


8 Kommentare:

  1. baby bear -mit grossem hunger? viel spass dieses wochenende auf braut- äh, bär-schau! ;-)
    ps. es sieht so unglaublich schön aus nur schon auf diesen wenigen fotos! freu mich schon auf mehr!!

  2. hm. das ist noch tricky mit eurer seite... - vorallem für einen computer-elch wie ich :D

  3. Hoi Christian,

    Gseht chillig us! Do würd i jetzt sofort tusche! Luegsch dass nit s Menu vomene Papi-Bär wirdsch!

    viel spass & Gruess

  4. hoe lambfishes
    gseht jo schu recht geil us uf euna erschta fotis........
    hens do au nit schlecht in costa rica. PURA VIDA!!!!!!
    hasta luego und much foenn witerhin
    greez dani&marleen

  5. Heyla Roman,

    Dr Dani het gmeint, Du suachisch öppert wo dini Vespa in dinera Abwesaheit fahrt. I suacha grad a Vespa woni, bis I eini kauft han, zum fahra ha könnt. Wia gsehts us? Würrsch mr dini für dia Ziit avertraua?
    Schrib mr doch mol, wennd Ziit hesch uf mini e-mail ( oder mr könnd au mol Skypa etc.
    Bis denn dann... Cheerz

  6. ihr zwei seht so richtig nach weltreise aus :-)hihi
    supi toll
    bis bald

  7. Howzit Roman! Looks like you guys are having loads of fun.


  8. Hoi Kafi-Lutz,
    supi, eueri Föddeli. Ihr händs guet: Durch Alaska gondele, fische und grilliere, während bi uns de Teufel los isch... hmmh. Gnüsseds und mached so wyter mit em Blog.
    Grüessli vo Allschwil
