Freitag, 10. Dezember 2010



Update December 06, 2010: After 2 weeks in Boliva and a really good time we crossed the boarder in Puno (Lake Titicaka) to Peru. Our first visit in Peru will be in the south the city of Arequipa (2'300m above sea level), which is with a population of over one million habitants the second biggest city after Lima. It is surrounded with huge volcanos (Misti, 5'822m, Chachani, 6'057m and Pichu Pichu, The city center with plaza de armas and the historical buildings is very nice for walking around. From this city we will go to a 2 days trip to the Colca Canyon. This is one of the deepest canyon all over the world (3km deep).

Plaza del armas with the huge cathedral

Fountain on the Plaza

Old church

Cloister of Santa Catalina, a important building from the former colonial time

Kitchen from the former time

Homeshitter - Shitting in the former time was not easy, but still now for a tourist in a country with diffrent food is quiet hard:-)


In the prison in peru...fuck

If you drink water like this for sure you get sick

Cruz del condor, unfortunately we saw the condors (wing spread of almost 3 meter) only from a far distance

View down to the deep colca canyon

The first day of our trek we hiked all the way down the canyon

All this way down, but maybe up in the next morning will be harder:-)

No it's not a snake, it's a cactus

Oasis Sangalle, our goal for the first day

Waterfall, the water is for our swimming pool in the oasis

Last steeps over the bridge and we are almost there

Our hostel in the oasis with the swimming pool...nice refreshment after hiking

Second day, we reached the top after a steep hike up the canyon. Our guide has the record with 1:08 hrs hiking all the way up, our group was also very fast. 

Please don't shit on my head

Alpaca's on the altittude of 5'000m

Coca-Cola Christmas tree in Arequipa

Don't spite!

Update December 10, 2010: After almost one week in and around Arequipa, we are going to Cusco. There we will do the 4-Days Inka-Trail to Machu Pichu.
Plaza de armas in Cusco

Famous Inka rock - don't touch

Preparing for the 4 Days hike on Inka trail

Our loco grupo

First Inka site on the trail

Our porters cooking our lunch - the food was awesome

Strong porters - they are carrying stuff (food, tent, chairs, tables, ...) with a weight of 25 to 30 kilo

Our first camp after a 10 km hike - easy start

Second day steep uphill with hundreds of stairs

Keep on hiking Roman

Almost on the top...


On the top of 4200 meter - snow like in Switzerland
Our crazy ozzy guy Kevin

Second camp: Unfortunately we had a rainy day and almost everything was wet. It was not so funny to sleep in a wet sleeping bag...brrrrrr

Summit point of the second pass

Inka site


Swiss hikers

Our cook preparing always very tasteful food

They really run down the stairs with this heavy bags

Poser - Big fella and Lambfish

Is that a porter?

Our last camp on the third day includes a bar...


Is this Machu Pichu in the clouds???

Yes it is!!!!

Dalailamas on Machu Pichu

That Rocks!
All of our did it!!!

View down to Machu Pichu from Waynapicchu

After 4 days hiking the burger taste awesome even it costs 25 soles!!!
Update December 16, 2010: We are back in Cusco after the 4 days Inka-Trail. It was an amazing hike in the Andean with great views over Inka sides, valleys and the mountains. We are happy we did this trip! We are now hanging around in Cusco and soon we are going to the Beach. We need a break from traveling :-)
Back in Cusco, view from San Cristobal
San Cristobal
Cusco by night
For dinner I eat Guy (Guinea pic, Meersaeuli)
Guy from behind

I stay in Mancora for christmas in a very nice Hostel direct on the beach

Drink from a fresh coconut

My two German girls :-)

Pool in the night

Christmas party

This sunset rocks!!

Last drink before I leave Mancora after 8 days, a wine for 2 dollars, what a shame!

8 Kommentare:

  1. Bitte fuettert mal unsere Lambfishs....Sie haben hunger!!!!

  2. Hi Jungs,
    die Bilder sind der Hammer, sehr schöne Wanderung die ihr da gemacht habt.
    Viel Spaß noch euch beiden und liebe Grüße aus Buenos Aires

  3. fehlt eu dr schnee - oder doch d fraua?
    wünsch eu au schöni wianachta. trotzdem ; )

  4. Wünsch euch e guete!

    Gruss Ombre

  5. du siehst aus wie ein muy loco santa claus :) merry xmas

  6. Fula Siech!!! Gruess vum Roman und Heini

  7. Wenn du bist, wie du bist,
    wenn du siehst, was da ist,
    wenn du liebst, was da ist,
    wenn du schätzt, was da ist,
    wenn du merkst, dass immer weihnacht ist,
    dann ist weihnachten
    (petit prince)

  8. Alles Gueti für's neue Johr und witerhin e schöni Reis...aber das mit em Meersaeuli goht jo gar nit :-) Liebi Grüssli us em Laufetal
