Mittwoch, 30. März 2011

Perth Christian

Perth skyline

This house change the color, looks really nice

Freemental chili festival, here u can have chili beer and all kinds of different products made from chili

Further south is the lovely town Margaret River. It's a good location for wine testing and other products like chocolate or Fudge

Very nice Winery

Hiding south

Augusta lighthouse, don't leave the footpath here are snakes around

Here this two oceans come together, u can hear it ;-)

The wave on my right is because the oceans coming together

Hamlin Bay, here I saw a Manta Ray from the shore

Sunset on Hamlin Bay

Every night I slept in the tent

Back in Perth I met Daniel. I know him from Switzerland, he is a old military friend. He is studying English on Scarborough Beach

Daniel, Tim from Korea and me went for a trip to the Wave Rock. It's a 5 hours drive into the desert.

What is this car doing out here

The Wave Rock

Daniel tries to go steep uphill

Daniel and Tim are lucky that this wave is made of stone

A wild Kangaroo

Hippo's Yawn

Arse stone

A small salt lake

This is the story from the Aboriginal i really like more than the modern version right below

After a really good weekend with Daniel and Tim I went to the Pinnacles north of Perth

Flys made me crazy that's why I wear this stupid net

Hyundai 1.6 l right steered automatic rental car :-)

What's this Emu having there?? I didn't see that when I took the picture

All day I had a perfect weather i Perth and a beautiful sunset

On the last night in Perth I met Roman and his girlfriend Rahel.  After 9 month traveling with Roman he found a better travel partner :-( . I told them that I'm not coming to Singapore the next day. I changed my flights and go back to Sydney for another 6 weeks. I will go to Asia after that for another 2 Month before I go home. Roman it was AWESOME to travel the world with u!!!!

Cu in a while crocodile